
Friday 4 February 2011

Risk Assessemnt

Order to plan and create our video to the highest and safest standard, we must look and asess the risks in our plan and music video videoing.
One risk that must be taken into consideration is that whilst we are filming on the zebra crossing we must protect the equiptment and the camera from the rain, so therefore we must look at the ricks and asses it. another wish is to make sure that we dont get hit by a car whilst filing so we must have a clear view of the road to make sure that this will not happen.
Another risk is that when we are filming and doing tracking shots we must make sure that the wire is not on the floor for someone to trip over, we over came this by having one of the team hold up the wire as we walked so no one would fall over it. Oter risks include slipping over, falling down the stairs and falling over in the high heels that we are wearing.
One of the locations that we filmed in was a bloc of concrete stairs which meant that we had to be very careful when we flimed on the stairs that we didnt trip or that it wasnt raining so that the handle bar would be slippery.

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