
Friday 19 November 2010

Test Filming

To ensure our filming will work when we film the final piece we took the camera to the places were we are going to film and set up some test shoots. This is of high importance when making a video as it ensures that when you come to film the main peice less errors can be made on the day were we film for real. We were able to frame the camera to what we want to include and what we dont want to include, We were also able to to experiment with some high angle shots and some low angle shots to see if it would work.

We did a test shoot in the studio were most of the single shots will be filmed and we did some on the stage and outside.

It is important to check the lighting outside to make sure that we know were the sunw ill be shining on the day that we film, therefore we would be able to get the correct amount of lighting into our shots.

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