
Saturday 18 September 2010

The Saturdays - Forever Is Over Analysis

In order to decide which video that we would like to make we had to analyise videos that already exitsed to understand the convertions of what we had to make.
we have decided to do a girl band video most likely to be the saturdays: work or forever is over. this video connotates a pervogative girl band who are singing about boys that have let them down, and that they are able to be single and happy. The video opens with a pretty looking blonde girl swinging on a chair. Immediatly we notice she is wearing red, which dennotates a pervogative colour and she has mathing red lipstick to make her look sexy. The secene then goes to show us two more girls looking up at the camera as it is a high angle shot, this shows them looking vunerable as they are looking up at the camera sadly. By time the first girl begins to sing we have been introduced to each band member in tern so we are familiar with the band. The shots that a widely used in the video are closeups and head shots that show emotion. we also see long shots to show off thier outfits and their pervogative clothes and bodies. continuty editing is used to show each of the girls throwing thinsg around to show how 'mad' they are at being 'messed around by boys'. all the girls are wearing nice clothes that younger audiences would be able to recognise and would like to follow, therefore attention to make up and wardrobe (mise-en-scene) have been attented to accoringly.

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